Keto Knefeh : A Healthy Twist on a Middle Eastern Classic!

Delicious Keto Knefeh Dessert Illustration – A low-carb, sugar-free twist on traditional knefeh, perfect for a ketogenic diet
If you're a fan of Middle Eastern desserts, then you're probably familiar with knefeh. This delicious dessert is traditionally made with a lot of sugar and semolina, which can make it high in carbs and calories. But fear not, because with this recipe, you can still indulge in the sweet, cheesy goodness of knefeh, without all the added sugars and carbs

Our keto knefeh recipe uses hazelnut and almond flour flour, along with other low-carb ingredients, to create a dough that's both delicious and keto-friendly. We also use stevia or xylitol or erythritol instead of sugar, so you can enjoy the sweetness without the added calories. 

The syrup for our keto knefeh is made with stevia or xylitol, water, citron, xanthan gum, and blossom water. This syrup is drizzled over the finished knefeh to add an extra layer of sweetness and flavor.

And don't worry, we haven't skimped on the cheesy goodness either - we'll still be using plenty of mozzarella cheese to get that gooey, stretchy texture that makes knefeh so irresistible.

Keto Knefeh by Nissrine Samaha (Ketoavie)

This keto Knefeh recipe is a great alternative to the traditional high carb and high sugar version. One slice of this delicious dessert contains 256 kcal and is a good source of healthy fats from almond and hazelnut flours, ghee or butter and mozzarella cheese. With only 6g of total carbohydrates and 3g of fiber, it can be a suitable treat for those following a low-carb or ketogenic diet. However, it is still important to enjoy this dessert in moderation, as it does contain saturated fat and cholesterol.

Give this healthy twist on a classic dessert a try and let us know what you think in the comments below! And if you're looking for more delicious and healthy recipes, be sure to subscribe to our blog for updates.

For a visual demonstration of how to make this keto Knefeh recipe, check out our YouTube channel . 

If you're interested in more keto-friendly recipes or want some guidance on how to follow a ketogenic diet, feel free to reach out to me for personalized nutrition advice.

Check our other keto Recipes :  Keto Maamoul Recipe , Cacao Nibs CookiesNuts and Seeds Bread and more...

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